This Is Me

Hello, and welcome here.

My name is Joy, and I am a shy, timid, awkward eccentric who aspires to be brave, loving, and God-centered.

I am fearfully, and wonderfully created, and I am learning what this means through daily battles with fear and self-depreciation. 

I am on a quest to reveal beauty, be it in God's marvelous design at our feet, a broken heart shackled in pain, a young child's innocence, or an old, rickety coffee table needing a new life.  Everything has potential, and everyone has a purpose; though I feel I am still trying to find mine.

The hardest part, for me, is remaining in a state of contentment, savoring the everyday as I strive to reach my potential--often prematurely.  I am a perfectionist by nature, and what you will find here are stories regarding my inability to let that go...though I try.  Sometimes, even making progress.  Sometimes not.

I don't journal, unless I this is it.

I am married to a talented, supportive, marketing genius; and together we have 4 quirky kiddos.  Quinn, who is 6, and my biggest challenge, as she is a spicy, chatty, extrovert; yet so like me in many other ways.  Hilton, who is 5, wears his heart on his sleep, but is all boy.  Solomon has been a very determined little guy since he could sit up, and as a 2 year old "mine do it" himself-er, he is giving me a run for my money.  Coral, on the other hand, is a happy-until-someone-who-is-not-my-mommy-looks-@-me little girl who is in no rush for independence, at 18 months.  She just started walking consistently 1.5 months ago.  They bring me great joy, and they drive me crazy.  Really, you can't have one without the other, as I am learning. =]

We are now the proud new owners of a darling, old farmhouse situated on 80 acres of land.  We don't know much about farming (only what my father tells me), but we love it here, and are determined to learn a few things--starting with a garden this summer!  For some perspective, we have spent the last 6 years living in a 800sq' side-by-side with a 15'x15' back yard, off of a busy city street, praying for a space that could be shared.  ;]

This is my dream since I was a little girl...I am living it.  Yet now that it's here, I fear that I will screw it up--but instead of following my instinct (which is telling me to shut down), I am challenging myself to not only try, but to try my best.

Thank you for journeying with me, your support is greatly appreciated.

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