
Back in the swing

Well, here we are at our first “sorta” day back to some kind of a routine after a long weekend…Jon at work, Quinn home from school, Hilton playing noisily, yet contently by himself, and Solomon deciding that today is the day that he wants to cry after only a moments rest…. My baby has been so delightfully perfect up until this point, I find myself confused, as though I have never been here before…! But yet again, I find myself exactly where I was 2 and a half years ago…wiping poop off of my daughter’s bum while my baby boy cries..(plus, a bouncing soon-to-be-3 year old, who by the grace of God has mastered the art of self-entertainment, despite the putrid smell emitting from his pull-up).

Did I mention that she is 4? Just when I think we’re making progress, she seems to forget what we’ve set out to do…and then I get frustrated. If I have learned anything in the past 2 years, it is that I have to walk away in my frustration for fear of losing control…. Does this teach her anything about going to the bathroom to her bodies cues? No, but hopefully it teaches her that tantrums are not okay (okay, so I’m just hanging onto the hope that I’m doing something right in all of this... Anything!)

So, with that being said, perhaps you will no longer judge me (or anyone, for that matter) the next time you hear that my son is turning 3 next month, and I do my bare minimum in the matters of potty training. Some may even be shocked to hear that in my exhaustion, have admittedly discouraged him from using the toilet!

Well, I think my babe’s finally crying for something that I can offer him, my daughter’s hollering from the bathroom, and my son is in desperate need of attention…. Oh, and didn’t I have a cup of coffee around here somewhere, I wonder where I put that?

Hmm...I had a point I was eventually hoping to get to, but I guess when you leave your thoughts behind long enough, you eventually forget what you came for. Seems I've been doing a lot of that lately.

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