
Making a moment

Trying to find a moment of solace this morning, I took to playing some worship music over the kids’ cd playing across the room. As I sat in my computer chair, overwhelmed by the amount of attention that I was unable to give, I seriously started to question where I was ever supposed to find a moment to “be still” ….

Looking over at some point during animated play, Baby Girl found me in my chair crying. Her initial reaction is to whimper on over to me, producing what is her version of empathy… “I’m cwying..”. As she encourages me to call daddy, because that will help me stop crying, I can’t help but smile. Her innocence during these moments reveals so much of what I am only trying to retrain myself now. When life is confusing…talk to your daddy. Period. Yes, she was referring to her calm, comforting, huggable daddy, but this is exactly the kind of relationship God wants with us when we are asked to call him Father.

The answer comes so obviously from a 3 year old who has all the faith in her daddy, and even though I am always learning new depths of what it means to have faith, with all the distractions I invite into my life I am in constant need of this daily reminder…surrender to God even the simplest of things, for it is most often in the little things that Satan sneaks through our defenses, given opportunity to tear us down before we even know he’s awake this morning. To do anything in my own strength will only lead to exhaustion, frustration, and disappointment…. A reality I have faced on a far too regular basis.

Now, if only I could follow through on my desire to get up before the kids in the a.m., making room for these moments before I am left griping that I can’t find 10 minutes in the day… Enough excuses, it’s time to prioritize.


Trev and Rebekah said...

welcome to blog world

jupo said...

Good insight. I was just reading in a book this morning (Walking with God by John Eldridge) how "the devil is an opportunist.... He'll seize what might otherwise be simply an event - an argument, an emotion, a loss - and he'll use it as an entree for his lies, deceits and oppression." ... before we even know he’s awake this morning - I like that line.

Looking forward to reading more of your thoughts...

Joy said...

Another book that really hilights the devil's opportunism is "Captivating: Unveiling the Mysteries of a Woman's Soul"...co-wrote by John and Staci Eldridge--same guy...Great book! The leader of our women's ministries always refers to him as "the creep", and it's just a great term for describing satan's kaniving ways.
Thanks for your comment. =]

p.s. how do I make it easier to find your blog from here..like how you have your friends' links right on your page? So much to learn!

Jules said...

the bittersweet mom moments, i like to call them. yep, only a creep would take your sweet sweet children and make them a thorn in your side. at least, that's how i often feel when i can't get a moment to myself. and then i think that, although i could wake up at 6 for some time to myself, why should i have to??!! i need sleep more than anyone in this house and i shouldn't have to sacrifice it! yep... he "creeps" in there wherever he can.

thanks for the thoughts joy! keep them comin.