
Nothing Proven

Waiting, anxious and excited! These opportunities don't happen often. Heart racing, baby turning...want to sleep...Praise rising..! This opportunity, where did it come from? Why? So random, so unexpected, so "whatever".

The 1 thing we're waiting for...the thing we want most...to own our dream home. Falling into our laps -- a show about finding your dream home. Well, a home...shopping for a home. ;) A humorous God, for sure!

Yes, I realize that I have grown increasingly impatient, waiting for my house to call my own... "why do I have to make this work?!" The question burning beneath the constant re-organizing self... "Why us of six, when families of less have 3 times that of ours..?!"

Questions unspoken...bubbling through attitudes.

But, ungrateful? Have I not proven myself blessed? Daily singing praise for the inches I do find...character collected throughout the narrow hallways?

All is given in Grace. ...How arrogant am I to expect more?! If this becomes a matter of "proving myself", then it turns into a matter of penance, good works.. No. The price has been payed, the debt erased. Nothing owed, nothing to prove!

I deserve nothing... I am given the Kingdom.
ALL OF THIS...! For me.

So what is this window looking into our dreams? Is this a passage way to that which we want inside? But you can't always get what you want..and breaking in is an offense, is it not?

But perhaps, a reminder of the hope inside... Waiting, knowing, that someday it will be released back to us... The day we are given the key, and directions to the front door.

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