
Summa~ Borscht!

What an incredible summer it's been...filled with several park visits, picnics, thunderstorms, a few birthday parties, wading pools, special visitors (of the sister variety!), and a trip to SK...! Take these simple ingredients and throw them together, and you have yourself one yummy, heart-warming bowl of Zumma Borscht-y goodness! I've taken a gazillion pictures over the summer, so I think I might just post a few*...
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Slurpees and Ice Cream...summer staples!
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Puddles, parks and walks...but mostly puddles. =]
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...free zoo day.
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And my favorite:

...visiting family in SK. (didn't take nearly enough pictures, though.) =]

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(Beach or Bust!)

Ahhh, and of course, the September beach.....was awee-some!
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[* The term being relative]
Well, that was fun...thanks to the help of Picnik...and some time, of course. =]

1 comment:

V. said...

thanks for commenting..!!!!

it is really early now, and my day is just starting but I'll be back later to check out more of your blog.

Be blessed today!

