
I Thank You, Lord...

*For those 2 beautiful children that are sleeping, and NOT crying, in their perfect, free beds which are so obviously a gift from you!
*That my children have partially decorated rooms to sleep in, messy with oodles of toys, and filled with your presence.
*For our home that only feels cramped because we have an excess of "things" that we have become too attached to, or too lazy to pass on to someone else in need...
*That my floors are flooded in dog fur; reminding me of the loyal companion who lays at my feet, expecting nothing more of me then what I have to offer.
*For the gift to be able to design a room and make it my own based around treasured furniture salvaged from another's trash!
*That we have a vehicle we love, yet can freely share with others because it is more reliable then theirs!
*For this marriage based on a foundation of trust.
*That my daughter is in a phase of ONLY wanting mommy to put her to bed; and that she wants nothing more then for me to read her stories and sing to her.
*That we haven't needed to run our air conditioning this year, saving us one more expense.
*For the gift of this laptop, and the ability to play on it.
*For a best friend who values my time and my gifts, and encourages me to use them joyfully.
*For hubby's career flexibility which allows for prioritized family time.
*For every experience, good or bad, that has shaped me into the woman I am today; the memories shared, and lessons learned.
*For every person who has ever thought of me...and those who have enough so, to go out of their way to put a smile on my face, and hope in my path...
*For love... selflessness... grace... freedom... life... beauty... relationship... joy... and so much more...
I give thanks.


V. said...


Jules said...

you are a beautiful person joy :)

i love that you just took everything that i gripe about and found the beauty in it. thank you for being god's tool to smack me upside the head ;)

Joy said...

Thanks for your comments, gals. Anytime you need an up-smackin', I'm your go-to girl! Don't worry, I would expect the same of you. =]

I was griping about this stuff too, but then one day God gave me a [gentle] smack up-side the head! Haha, funny...t.v. just told me: "you're too blessed to be stressed"...! Gotta love t.v.

And now I just need a push (*nudge-nudge*) to purge the weighty clutter, and actually accomplish the simplicity I hope for! ..Oh, so much to do..but where to start?!


Anonymous said...

:) Thanks Joy!

Joy said...

and thank you, Em...you are definately one of "those" who has put hope in my path...I don't think we ever fully acknowledged it, but what you guys did for us deepened our faith more then we ever knew it could at the time. God is faithful, and your presence at that moment kick-started a journey towards solidifying this well-learned fact... =]